The creeper attacks, you explode and it’s game over. But to your dismay, when you look in your bag, you can clearly see that you have armor, but you don’t have any quick way of telling the difference between one and the other.

It sounds like there might be a creeper nearby, so you decide it’s best if you look for your Blast Protection armor. Nightfall is upon you, and you need to find some armor to put on, and fast. Imagine you’re lost in the woods, and you realize that it’s getting dark. It’s called the Visual Enchantments texture pack, and it was made by author SiscuLog, who has been playing Minecraft since 2014. When you enchant an item, the pack displays a texture that visually shows which enchantment was applied to the item. In this article, we’re going to be covering another pack for enchantment that looks to further improve the way enchanting in Minecraft feels. class files from Optifine’s zip file within.In one of our latest reviews, we covered Xalis Enchanted Books which did a great job of making Minecraft’s enchanting systems more accessible to players.

MCPatcher tends to be updated on the same day as Minecraft updates, so use it instead if you are in a hurry. Optifine is preferred as it includes all of the features of MCPatcher, and greatly increases game speeds and graphics settings. In order to use this texture packs properly you will need to either patch your Minecraft using MCPatcher or using OptiFine.

How to install Kalos – Soulsand Chapter Resource Pack for Minecraft This pack give you another way to see the world less colorfull, less shiny, but still a KalosRespack.